Íris Lilja komin í úrslit í alþjóðlegu keppninni Young Reporters for the Environment

Manneskja að bíta í jarðarís. Sigurvegari YRE 2021 Íris Lilja Jóhannsdóttir.
Ljósmynd Írisar Lilju er komin í úrslit alþjóðlegu keppninnar Young Reporters for the Environment. Hún keppir í flokknum Single Photo Campaign, 15-18 years.

Ljósmynd Írisar Lilju Jóhannesdóttur í Fjölbrautaskólanum við Ármúla er komin í úrslit alþjóðlegu keppninnar Young Reporters for the Environment.

Hún keppir í flokknum Single Photo Campaign, 15-18 years


Þar stendur um myndina: 

We are ruining the earth for our own short time happiness. We are licking up the earth, and it’s sweet resources just like ice cream. I want to show people what we are doing to the earth with a simple analogy. We need to take actions like the ones suggested in Sustainable Development Goals 11, 12 and 13. If we don’t stop licking the ice cream or if we just stop, the ice cream will melt. To stop the ice cream from melting we need to stop licking it and put it in the freezer. If we don’t want the earth and the life on it to die we need to stop consuming and producing so much at the earth’s cost. Let’s enjoy our sweet and beautiful earth responsibly.

Sjá mynd Írisar – Sweet distruction í alþjóðlegu keppninni hér.

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