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Strandhreinsunar sunnudagar með Seeds

4 febrúar @ 13:00 - 17:00

Landvernd tekur þátt í Strandhreinsunar-sunnudögum með Seeds á árinu. Fyrsta sunnudag hvers mánaðar fer strandhreinsunin fram og til þess að fá nánari upplýsingar um staðsetningu og fleira er best að fylgjast með hér. 
In English:
Join us every first Sunday of the month as we kick off 2024 on a mission to make our Icelandic coastlines trash-free.
We’re five Icelandic non-governmental organizations dedicated to the environment—SEEDS Iceland, Landvernd, Ungir umhverfissinnar, GAIA Iceland and Blái Herinn—working together to make a coastal cleanup each month a part of your 2024 new years resolution.
Contribute to the well-being of ocean wildlife and the preservation of biodiversity. Pollution can severely disrupt the habitats of underwater ecosystems. By participating in coastal cleanups, you help protect the homes of marine animals that rely on clean, thriving coastal environments.
What’s on the Agenda:
🎤 Kickoff Talk: Ungir umhverfissinnar will inspire us with a brief talk to set the right tone for our cleanup mission.
🚀 Cleanup Action: We’ll head to the Reykjavík coastline together, equipped with guidance, clear instructions, and loads of good vibes.
🍫 Big thanks to you! Your dedication truly deserves a warm ‘takk you!’ As a token of our appreciation, everyone joining us can look forward to enjoying hot chocolate and a delicious pastry.
🧤 Make sure you dress properly: Think waterproof shoes and a jacket to withstand the Icelandic weather. Leave your nice clothes at home; we never know what (dirty) treasures we might dig from the beach.
Make friends, make a difference, and make memories.
Who said saving the planet can’t be fun? Let’s give back to nature and make Coast Care Sundays a monthly tradition. 🌍 See you there!
There is no need to register!
*Note that this event is subject to the weather conditions and therefore might be rescheduled. Keep an eye on this page for the latest updates.
For more information:
Send an e-mail to contact@seeds.is


4 febrúar
13:00 - 17:00
Viðburður Tags:
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