Þú er hér - Category: Care

Participate and CARE for nature, landvernd.is

Participate in CARE

For whom? Our participants are both organized tourist groups and student groups (schools and others) as well as Icelanders.In the pilot, we focus particularily on

Land degradation is a major environmental challenge in Iceland and human activities – particularly unsustainable land use but recently also tourism – contribute to the continued existence of the problem, landvernd.is

CARE – Græðum Ísland

Land degradation is a major environmental challenge in Iceland and human activities – particularly unsustainable land use but recently also tourism – contribute to the continued existence of the problem.

Dr. Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir, forstöðumaður Landgræðsluskóla Háskóla Sameinuðu Þjóðanna, um landeyðingu og loftslagsbreytingar, landvernd.is

Land og loftslagsbreytingar

Það skiptir ekki máli hvort við búum í Mongólíu, Níger eða Íslandi – við reiðum okkur öll á þá þjónustu sem vistkerfi landsins veita okkur og við verðum öll fyrir áhrifum af loftslagsbreytingum. Dr. Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir, forstöðumaður Landgræðsluskóla Háskóla Sameinuðu Þjóðanna, um landeyðingu og loftslagsbreytingar.

CARE is a volunteering program in soil and land restoration in Iceland for tourists and study groups from abroad, and Icelanders alike. The project gives participants the change to give back to nature and strengthen cultural ties between Icelanders and their foreign visitors. The project is one of many projects of Landvernd, Icelandic Environment association NGO


CARE is a volunteering program in soil and land restoration in Iceland for tourists and study groups from abroad, and Icelanders alike. The project gives participants the change to give back to nature and strengthen cultural ties between Icelanders and their foreign visitors. The project is one of many projects of Landvernd, Icelandic Environment association NGO

Teigsskógur er einstakur birkiskógur sem vex á milli fjalls og fjöru, landvernd.is


Come and enjoy a daytrip, volunteering and giving back to nature. Offset your carbon footprint and plant birch trees in a degrated area.