CARE - Græðum Ísland Rewilding Iceland
Græðum Ísland er tilraunaverkefni þar sem sjálfboðaliðar taka þátt í landgræðslu og endurheimt vistkerfa á örfoka landi.
Rewilding Iceland is a pilot volunteering program in soil and land restoration in Iceland for tourists and study groups from abroad, and Icelanders alike.
The project gives participants the chance to give back to nature and strengthen cultural ties between Icelanders and their foreign visitors. The project is one of many projects of Landvernd, Icelandic Environment association NGO
Ekkert er verðugra en að vernda land sem er að fjúka út á sjó.
Frú Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, verndari Landverndar í tilefni af 50 ára afmæli samtakanna.
Gróður- og jarðvegseyðing er að mati margra fræðimanna einn af alvarlegri umhverfisvandamálum Íslendinga.
Leggðu þitt af mörkum og hjálpaðu náttúrunni
Græðum Ísland er landgræðsluverkefni fyrir hópa og einstaklinga sem vilja leggja sitt af mörkum í sjálfboðavinnu til að bæta gróður- og jarðvegsauðlindina og ásýnd landsins, hvort sem það eru ferðamenn, nemendur eða starfsmannahópar, innlendir sem erlendir.
Land degradation is a major environmental challenge in Iceland and human activities – particularly unsustainable land use but recently also tourism – contribute to the continued existence of the problem.
Volunteer and give back to nature
Being part of the solution is a meaningful way to raise awareness and give back to nature in Iceland. Indeed, over 80% of respondents in yearly surveys among foreign tourists in the country mention nature as the main reason for visiting the country. This indicates that there are great opportunities for conservation groups to engage foreign visitors in unique volunteering experiences – giving back to nature while at the same time building cultural understanding through activities such as hands-on land restoration.