Þú er hér - Category: Myndskeið

CARE is a volunteering program in soil and land restoration in Iceland for tourists and study groups from abroad, and Icelanders alike. The project gives participants the change to give back to nature and strengthen cultural ties between Icelanders and their foreign visitors. The project is one of many projects of Landvernd, Icelandic Environment association NGO


CARE is a volunteering program in soil and land restoration in Iceland for tourists and study groups from abroad, and Icelanders alike. The project gives participants the change to give back to nature and strengthen cultural ties between Icelanders and their foreign visitors. The project is one of many projects of Landvernd, Icelandic Environment association NGO

Góðir göngustígar geta stýrt umferð gangandi vegfarenda um náttúruperlur, aukið aðgengi og um leið verndað viðkvæm svæði, landvernd.is

Fetum rétta stíginn

Hvernig má bæta umgengni og vernda náttúruperlur með stígagerð? Skoski landfræðingurinn Bob Aitken flutti fyrirlesturinn Finding the right path sem tekur á göngustígastjórnun og möguleikum Íslendinga á því sviði.