Þú er hér - Category: FRÉTTIR

„Fræða en ekki hræða“

Bríet Felixdóttir og Saga Rut Sunnevudóttir nemendur í MH og þátttakendur í Erasmus+ verkefninu I SEE sem Landvernd tekur þátt í fluttu erindi á Umhverfisþingi þann 20. október síðastliðinn. Þeirra skilaboð eru að við eigum að „Fræða, ekki hræða“.

Hreinsum Ísland, hættum notkun á einnota og hreinsum í kringum okkur, landvernd.is

Hreinsum Ísland

Landvernd og Blái herinn eru í samstarfi í baráttunni við plastmengun undir hatti Hreinsum Íslands en Blái herinn sér um strandhreinsunararm verkefnisins.

CARE is a volunteering program in soil and land restoration in Iceland for tourists and study groups from abroad, and Icelanders alike. The project gives participants the change to give back to nature and strengthen cultural ties between Icelanders and their foreign visitors. The project is one of many projects of Landvernd, Icelandic Environment association NGO


CARE is a volunteering program in soil and land restoration in Iceland for tourists and study groups from abroad, and Icelanders alike. The project gives participants the change to give back to nature and strengthen cultural ties between Icelanders and their foreign visitors. The project is one of many projects of Landvernd, Icelandic Environment association NGO